About API
Associated Pilots is the successor to a group started by some people from MIT in 1948. When solid-state radios became affordable, the group split over the issue of IFR equipped, or strictly VFR. We are the descendants of the IFR group. The VFR group has disappeared.
Current Fees
Currently the buy-in is $18,000. 10% is a permanent investment and is not returnable. The remainder is classified as subordinated debt. The subordinated debt is returnable in the event you decide to leave. We do require 6 months notice from a departing pilot.
The hourly fee for the Cessna 182 is $95 per hour dry. The hourly fee for the Cessna 206 is $95 dry. All times for hourly rates are based on Tachometer time, not Hobbs meter. Tach time is generally 15% less than Hobbs.
The monthly dues are currently $300 per month for the first year. The monthly dues are periodically adjusted based on the number of members and current fixed costs.
Other features
Both planes are hangared at Hanscom Bedford Airport (KBED). Mutual trust and respect for fellow pilots is the foundation of the Club. We do not have a lot of restrictive rules about where a member can go. We rely upon, and expect, good judgment from our members.
The club meets at least once a year to discuss operations, aircraft maintenance, and club financials. Our Bylaws and Operating Rules are posted on the right side of this page. We are organized as a Massachusetts Nonprofit Corporation under MGL Chapter 180.
See us on AOPA's Flying Club Finder website.